About Me

Hey, My name is Chia Y. Fan, preferred to be called Cherry. I'm from Taipei, Taiwan, a small but friendly country. I have moved here to Canada for three years, and living in Richmond. I'm now taking general courses in Kwantlen, and planned to transfer into Psychiatric nursing for being a psychiatric nurse in future. I like reading novels, watching Japanese stuffs, photography, and dolls. I have learned Japanese for almost four years and wish that I can have chance to visit there.

Monday 1 July 2013

JAPN 3320 Movie Journal: Always, Sanchome no Yuhi

     In the movie Always, time went back to the early Japan. What we can see are not only the developments in Japan, but also the old, small village in Tokyo. The whole movie is made with different smaller stories; they seem not connected, but all point out the theme of the movie: whatever it may happen, just do it. The spirit from the main theme is the changes from the world war two; even Japanese lost the war, the common people, like Mr. Suzuki, might sometimes thought of the pains it brought, but the more they got from it was the developments of their lives. The failure in the war probably still burying in the mind of the Sanchome residents, but they walked out and made a new living style. The residents in Sanchome could be thought as the ideal people in Japan, they worked hard and care others; they help others and know each other’s well. The idealized life plus the similar and natsukashi old day scenes, this movie successfully directed a hard, but happy life, which might be the dream of most of the Japanese people. 

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