About Me

Hey, My name is Chia Y. Fan, preferred to be called Cherry. I'm from Taipei, Taiwan, a small but friendly country. I have moved here to Canada for three years, and living in Richmond. I'm now taking general courses in Kwantlen, and planned to transfer into Psychiatric nursing for being a psychiatric nurse in future. I like reading novels, watching Japanese stuffs, photography, and dolls. I have learned Japanese for almost four years and wish that I can have chance to visit there.

Monday 1 July 2013

JAPN 3320 Movie Journal: Confession

     The scenes in Confessions were shot in a secondary school. Everything starts from the resignation of the teacher of 1-B. she thought that two of her students murdered her only daughter and she planned to revenge.

Asian people might be familiar to the issues in the movie due to the education systems. As people know, students have to take entrance exams to entre any of the schools; also, decline birthrate made the amount of only child increased, which made more parents gave all their loves to their only children. One of the scenes is that the teacher standing in front of the class and told them her daughter dead; sitting on their seats, the students only stopped for a while and then keeps chatting with others after they heard that. The cruel and indifference of these students are made by the society and their families. These young people do not have to response to anything they did wrong because of the protection from the law, their family, and school. They do not even think they were wrong but shirk and escape with it. As the teacher said in the movie, “if you are wrong, you are wrong,” and you have to pay. It is not the problem of age, but the attitudes that people have to adjust.

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